Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It has been a while!

I've been busy. Cleaning out the craft room, helping my parents get ready to move, getting my oldest ready for school. It doesn't seem to end.

I have just come across a book that was printed in 1933 before the ISBN's were started. I started to look around for the value. WOW is all I can think of to say. Now I just need to find a buyer. I'm trying to contact a person who has a website dedicated to this author.

I have also created some new crafts. I'll try to get some pics posted.

I also started a store for my MIL. Just cause I don't have enough to do. :P

Sorry for the tardiness of my posts. I've had a lot on my plate. I've tried to put in a slide show of my current items I've made, but I still need to work on it. Just check out my store, and my MIL store. I've added some fall dishcloths and hair clippies for little girls.

Have a great Day!

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